Doing Versus Spewing
While hiking the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado last March, I picked up a copy of You are a Badass, a New York Times Bestseller by Jen Sincero. Just perusing the cover, back, and a few inside pages had me laughing to where I just had to buy it.
Think about this: “I tried” is the poor man’s “I kicked butt.” That’s an interesting spin on the idea of trying something new, even if it doesn’t work out the first time. Ms. Sincero has a section entitled “How to Get Over Your B.S. Already” and “How to Kick Some Ass.” The chapter on “Doing versus Spewing” though lays it all out:
“People who are successful are not only willing to get uncomfortable, but they know they have to make a habit of it if they want to stay successful. They keep moving through each new challenge instead of stagnating.”
(p. 231)
How often in life are people discouraged from doing what they truly want to do because they doubt themselves? How few ever figure out a way to make the things happen that they really want to happen in order to live a happy fulfilled life. Ms. Sincero insists that our Universe is one of abundance. Instead of seeing life as one roadblock after another, complaining that “if only I had…” or “why can’t I seem to…” people need to get out there and TRY something new. Gain a new perspective. Surprise themselves with how the world will respond if they change their mindset, make small efforts at first, and then in time, get what they truly want in order to live a life of happiness and abundance. She calls it “doing instead of spewing.” Instead of sitting around like Limpy the Lion whining about if only…and oh me, oh my… she advocates for getting out there, doing something positive about it! Taking even baby steps of change. The Universe will respond and reward for this kind of gutsy behavior if only a person can open up his/her perspective enough to believe that goodness and prosperity are possible and waiting for those willing to work toward it. She provides plenty of ideas on how to get to a place where one believes he/she can accomplish it. Ideas such as purging things or people who cause drama and diminish the flow of positivity in one’s life. Maybe giving bad habits the heave ho once and for all or working on your belief system–that you are capable of making as much money as you want and need or having the things that will enhance your life. I thoroughly enjoyed reading her book–so many interesting ideas and new perspectives. Let me know if you want to borrow it!
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