Las Golondrinas/ The Swallows

Swallows have been said to be a symbol of endurance, renewal, and loyalty. Footfalls to the Alamo includes a song, La Golondrina, with words that reflect a bird “being tossed about by the wind’” while longing for its homeland yet traveling on. Swallow pairs mate for life and sometimes return to familiar breeding areas. “These…

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An Honor and a Blessing

Dear friends, It is my honor to have been selected for “In the Spotlight”  this month by PublishPros. Yes, this publication is a dream come true for me, but it never would have happened without the support of PublishPros–Rich C. and Mary H.  These two are in the business of taking manuscripts for edit, working…

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Beautiful Morning at the Twig!

On Saturday, May 4th, I set up a table at the Twig Bookshop in the Pearl District of one of my favorite cities: San Antonio, the Alamo City. Sprinkles of rain fell intermittently, but the awning protected all.  This was Farmer’s Market morning, a weekly event that transforms the entire Pearl area (former home of…

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