Assassins That Span the Ages: Bacteria and Viruses

(A virus takes up residence in a healthy cell. Photo courtesy of Getty Images.) Imagine that you are a settler in San Antonio of the 1800’s. You and your family have just constructed a jacál, a hut, as your new residence, much like those constructed by María Andrea Castañon and her family. The jacál, with…

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“When I am among the trees, especially the willows and the honey locust, equally the beech, the oaks, and the pines, they give off such hints of gladness. I would almost say that they save me, and daily. I am so distant from the hope of myself, in which I have goodness, and discernment, and…

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Mr. T

For the holidays, my family comes together like a favorite puzzle. Each piece, unique, and cut with precision forms the whole of a beautiful, bountiful, life’s experience. My son, Mr. T, is joining us this year from Chicago where he is very close to earning a PhD in physics. I’m not sure if this is…

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My Life on the Roads, Gloria!

I recently completed reading an amazing book entitled, My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem. Widely applauded by the literary community, this book reignited my memories of the seventies and eighties at a time when the world seemed upside down in many ways.  Gloria touched upon the importance of meeting with people from many walks of…

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The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! My name is Shawn and I am an aspiring writer based in Austin, Texas for most of the year.  I’m also First Mate aboard a sailing vessel in the Great Lakes for dedicated periods.  I decided to start a blog to share stories about my travel, life experiences and interests.  Readers…

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