
Cerulean Seasons

Las Golondrinas/ The Swallows

Swallows have been said to be a symbol of endurance, renewal, and loyalty. Footfalls to the Alamo includes a song, ...

An Invitation to Word Wrangler Book Festival

I'm super excited that my book, Footfalls to the Alamo was selected to be a part of the Texas Word ...

An Honor and a Blessing

Dear friends, It is my honor to have been selected for "In the Spotlight"  this month by PublishPros. Yes, this ...

Beautiful Morning at the Twig!

On Saturday, May 4th, I set up a table at the Twig Bookshop in the Pearl District of one of ...

Bacterial Warriors: Ancient Residents, Both Good and Bad

(Bacteria under the microscope. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock) "Viruses are stealthy predators; they cause infections by entering and multiplying inside ...

Assassins That Span the Ages: Bacteria and Viruses

(A virus takes up residence in a healthy cell. Photo courtesy of Getty Images.) Imagine that you are a settler ...

Contest: Thirteen Day Count Down to the Battle at the Alamo

        Dear Follower, For something historical and commemorative, I will be gifting two copies of my book, Footfalls ...

Jacales in Mexico and South Texas

Jacal, pronounced [ha kol], is a word adapted from Nahatl, language of the ancient Aztecs who ruled Mexico between the ...

Small Book Group Discussions

I've been meeting with small book groups to read and discuss Footfalls to the Alamo since last December. I can't ...

Señora Candelaria’s Dog—An Ancient, Loving Breed

[SHOW LO EETZ CUINT LEE], this ancient breed of Mexican Hairless dog is highly intelligent, calm, loyal, and loving. Señora ...

Summer 2022 First Mate’s Log

We’ve wandered North again, this time to prep our vessel and sail on into the North Channel of Canada. After ...

All You Need is Love, Love

This year is not a leap year, so February has its signature twenty eight days. Those of us in the ...